front cover

Platform: Sinclair ZX Spectrum

Region: Region Not Set

Publishers(s): Automata UK

ReleaseDate: 1984-05-23

Co-op: No


THE STORY SO FAR...fresh from his alcoholic experiences in PI-EYED and mystical pyramids in PI BALLED, the PIMAN has taken taken himself in hand (the little cult.) He's sober! He's fit! He's going for gold! Competing in all 5 events of the OLYMPI GAMES, he races against the clock to set new world records in the PI JUMP. ALPI SKIING, the STEEPICHASE, the PI-TATHLON and the BUTTERPI. Help him overcome astounding hazards, such as Lurch the Office Parrot (at least we think he's a parrot) dropping steroids on the track, unsporting villians elbowing our hero out of the arena and digging holes in the tarmac, mutant tress, treacherous ice, and who let those alligators into the swimming pool? On your cassette's backside you will find AUTOMATA'S tradional FREE music track. We proudly present our choral extravaganza THE PILAND INTERNATIONAL ANTHEM. Sing it loud and joyful! Join the PIMANIACS!

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