front cover

Platform: Sega Genesis

Region: Region Not Set

Developer(s): Abalome

Publishers(s): Deep Water

ReleaseDate: 1996-06-07

Players: 1

Co-op: No


Terrorists have taken control of a top-secret undersea weapons facility! Unless the U.N. meets their demands, the terrorists will detonate a deep-sea thermonuclear device that will tear the earth apart. Facing global panic, the U.N. calls the X-PERTS, a 3-person ultra-secret counter-terrorist team. If the X-PERTS fail, the world pays! Play all three X-Perts at the same time and switch X-Perts during the game. Each X-Pert has unique attack weapons, technical skills, kill moves, and torture moves to extract information from human enemies. Use the X-Perts technical skills to hack computers and program robots. Real-world game play, where the game automatically saves the impact of your action and evolves as you play!

ESRB Rating: T - Teen

Genre(s): Action | Fighting

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